domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Paul´s Holidays

Once upon a time there was a family. They lived in village in the mountains.
The father was john. He worked in a farm, and he looked after hen, pigs, horses, cows, sheep and other animals.
The mother was Susan. She worked in the school of the village. She taught the children of the town. The child was Paul. He was 3 years old and he was very happy.
One day, they went to the beach. It was sunny. When they arrived the mother said:
-“Ooohh! What sun!! We go to put cream.”
And the father answered:
-“Ok, darling
And the child said:
-“very good mum 
Later, the mother said:
-“I go to sunbathe
And father said to Paul:
-“I go to swim, would you like to come with me?
-“No! I stay with mum on the sand,”
-“Ok, Don`t move”
Paul was bored and saw an ice-cream carriage. He ran behind him. When he turned, Paul said:
-“ooooohh!!  I`m last! I`m scared!”
-I don´t see my mum and dad.
Paul started to cry but a life-saver saw him, and he asked why Paul crying and he was alone.
The child said:
-“I`m lost mister life-saver”.
The life-saver asked his name, and the child said:
-“ My name is Paul
The live-saver said his name for a microphone.
The parents were happy when they listened their son`s name.
So the parents ran for their child.
When they found him were very happy.
The father said:
-“Paul, pay attention to your parents
And mother said:
-“You father is right
Paul, answered:
-“yes, dad! I will pay attention next time.
Finally, the family continued their holiday and they were happy.

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